Le Pen spoke not of individuals or atomized persons only in terms of nations and most often in terms of peoples and ethnic groups. Her perception of the world is through a lens of group relations, and she explicitly rejected the deconstructive and destructive view of nationhood that the flailing global order has foisted upon the West.
Of particular note was her assertion that “the migration pact is a programmed demographic submersion of Europe” and her belief that the spirit of the West’s “inventive and conquering” peoples was on the verge of a revival that would see this civilization propelled into a new age of invention. At every turn she asserted that Europe has contributed for more to the world than it has ever taken away and in doing so she has revived a moral confidence that the neoliberal order has spent decades attempting to crush out of Europeans, Americans, and others.
The entire speech was an invocation to move forward and build something new with old Europe. She spoke of technological development, alternative fuels such as hydrogen, of food sovereignty, and of reviving an industrial base.
More than anything Marine Le Pen has proven herself to be the spiritual leader of continental Europe and perhaps the whole of the West. For, Donald Trump may rule in the most powerful nation of the West but it is Marine Le Pen who has taken up a vocal defense of the entirety of European civilization in the old world and the new.
Le Pen was far from the only great or notably speaker at the event, however. The first speaker was Martin Helme, leader of the Estonian People’s Conservative Party. Mr. Helme’s most notable moment was in stating that it was not enough to merely stop the arrival of immigrants but that it was “time to send them back where they came from” and enact a Reconquista of Europe.
Helme was followed but by Afroditi Latinopoulou, a young 33-year-old woman who founded and leads the Voice of Reason party which now polls at 10% in Greece.