It should surprise no nationalist, right winger, or even normal American or European that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is institutionally anti-White, Anti-West, and anti-family.
NATO is among the vast array of post-1945 institutions that force ever increasing liberalism on its member states, even going so far as to threaten those states that have expressly rejected the more radical elements of this liberalism and its consequences.
The liberalizing and anti-family trends within these institutions are best demonstrated by the 2023 rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) which is attempting to force both Romania and Ukraine to legalize same-sex marriage. But, the ECHR is actually behind the times in this regard. It was NATO that first took up the torch of giving institutional preference to the non-traditional family, a matter which we shall explore in greater detail below.
All links provided are to official NATO reports, press releases and statements.
NATO is, rather unsurprisingly, institutionally anti-White and dedicated to ‘diversity and inclusion’ for ethnic and cultural strangers in Western societies. NATO looks to radically diversify its staff and in doing so is exposing Western countries and their populations to greater danger. Countries such as the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand have already suffered greatly due to their own policies of allowing first and second generation immigrants into their militaries, intelligence agencies, and legislatures, thereby exposing state secrets to countries and adversaries such as China and Mexico.
Despite the institutions and dogmas of liberalism exposing the West to this undermining influence NATO has, as far back as 1999, made it its mission to go about penning reports blaming many modern ills upon nationalists and warning against nationalist influence in the West.
More recently, in 2023, NATO held a high level staff conference (below) about race where leaders pledged to fight a “homogeneous mindset” and to use “collective intelligence” to do so.