As Whites, we have legitimate interests in the region because a peaceful Syria means a peaceful return of its refugees and their families who do not have cultural ties to Western nations and are contributing to our rapid demographic replacement.
There are more than 250,000 Syrians in Sweden and 1.3 million Syrian refugees in Germany. The vast bulk of these Syrians arrived in Europe after 2014 and therefore have extremely limited ties to our civilization. It is first and foremost in our interest as Westerners to send them home. Western nations have a unique opportunity to make demands on Syria’s new transitional government to take back their diaspora population in exchange for foreign aid.
For example, Western governments should demand that the 2018 Absentees Law, which stripped millions of refugee Syrians of their properties, be repealed. Financial support for Syria should be conditional on the return of properties and assets to the Syrian diaspora so that these refugees have something to return to.
In September of 2024, without the consent of my countrymen of course, the US government under Joe Biden announced $535 million in additional humanitarian assistance for Syria. Now that assistance will be redirected to helping rebuild the country in the wake of the end of its civil war. But we should be picky about the conditions. New hospitals, police stations, or apartment buildings funded by the West can be staffed by refugees returning home. In May of 2020, it was estimated that Syria needed $65 billion to repair its infrastructure. How many jobs could this create for former refugees returning home?
We can construct rows of homes and apartment complexes in Syria “from the American people” and ingratiate ourselves to the new Syrian regime while growing closer to our European allies by helping them repatriate migrants. It’s a win for everyone!
Remigration progressive countries like Sweden that have incorporated paid repatriation policies must also work with the new Syrian administration to facilitate the return of Syrians. Using the resources available in White Papers’ latest piece on the developments in Sweden I was able to find this article by the Swedish government about their new global development strategy. This strategy hinges on funding and cooperating with countries that cooperate with Sweden for the return and voluntary repatriation of non-Swedes. Now is the perfect opportunity for the Swedish state to put their new development policy into practice and lead the way for the rest of the West.
We can also use the opportunity in Syria to create a knock-on effect with other governments in the region. Western states could help fund the repatriation of the nearly 800,000 Syrians in Lebanon in exchange for Lebanon taking back the nearly 400,000 Lebanese in France or the 200,000 Lebanese who call Germany ‘home’ at present, a proposal we’ve presented before at White Papers in “A Vision for Arab Repatriation.”
Equally important, and particularly concerning to me as a woman who watched the 2015-2016 migrant crisis and very clearly remembers things like the 2016 New Year’s Eve sexual assaults in Germany committed by Arab men, is to prevent yet another massive flow of refugees into the West.
Every time a regime falls, good or bad, refugees from across the world pour into historically White countries. There will doubtless be millions of migrants across the world who view the fall of the Assad regime as an excuse to attempt to get into Europe or the United States before Donald Trump comes into power.
Luckily, the political tide is turning. Already Austria, Germany, the UK, Italy, The Netherlands, Finland and Greece have suspended Syrian asylum applications. More European nations are expected to follow suit according to a Financial Times report: Number of EU nations and UK pause asylum claims from Syrians—Fall of Assad regime prompts immigration rethink in Europe, December 9, 2024.
Finally, I believe Western nationalists should add our voice to that of the Middle East Forum in supporting an independent or truly autonomous Kurdish state. The SDF, a Kurdish backed group, currently controls Northern Syria. Both it and the Kurdish region of Iraq both currently exist as governments for the Kurds and they should receive our support. The Middle East Forum has a clear knowledge that demographic replacement is a lamentable practice and therefore should reciprocate support for creating stable areas where the millions of Kurds in the West can resettle among their own tribe and reverse decades of demographic change in the West.
The fall of Assad presents the West with many opportunities, but we must first have the understanding and political will to seize upon them.